
Policy Statement

Programs must limit the distribution of sensitive applicant data to those faculty and/or staff who are involved in the pre and post recruitment activities.  

Policy Statement

Trainees who successfully complete all requirements of their training program must receive a certificate of completion. The certificate must include:

Policy Statement

All residents and fellows in University of Minnesota (“University”) sponsored programs must have an appointment that is compliant with the structure listed within this policy.

The GME office abides by the Academic Health Center Policy for health insurance requirements

The GME office abides by the Academic Health Center Policy for health insurance requirements

Policy Statement

Policy Statement
Depending on program requirements and hospital site requirements, trainees may be expected to have life support certification upon entering training, and maintain certification throughout training. 


Policy Statement

Trainees must not be required to engage in moonlighting activities.

PGY-1 residents are not permitted to moonlight.

Policy Statement

Policy Statement

Residents/fellows (trainees) who are moved to one of these four NIH NRSA appointments:

Policy Statement

External vendors shall not solicit, without the program director or trainees’ expressed permission, any resident/fellow while at any of the training locations performing their duties. 

The residency/fellowship (trainee) agreement is a required, binding contract between the trainee and the institution. The effective date of the initial agreement is the first mandatory date the trainee is required to report to their GME training program.

This policy provides guidance and parameters for social media (see Definitions) usage by students, residents and fellows enrolled in Academic Health Center (AHC) educational programs.

Policy Statement

Residents/fellows (trainees) with funding from an external organization (e.g. private practice) must be:

Policy Statement

Residents and fellows (trainees) rotating at the affiliated sites listed below, who are too impaired (or are identified by their peers as being impaired) to drive home safely, can request a transportation voucher.  

Policy Statement

The University of Minnesota Medical School follows the policy of the University of Minnesota:

Policy Statement

The University of Minnesota Medical School follows the policy of the University of Minnesota: 

Policy Statement

To outline the acceptable and not acceptable visa types at the University of Minnesota for Graduate Medical Education training programs. 

Visa Types